Gen 4 LSX Basic Course 2005-2014
Course5.0 average rating (4 reviews)C6 Corvette, 5th Gen Camaro, Gen 4 GM 5.3/6.0/6.2 Trucks: This course focuses in on the LSX engines in GM vehicles and covers the entire E38/E67 ECU from setup to final product. (Course#: BAS4101)
GM 8L90/10L80 Transmission Course
Course5.0 average rating (7 reviews)GM 8L90 and 10L80 Automatic Transmissions: This course focuses in on all aspects of tuning and adjusting the 8 and 10 speed GM automatic transmissions. (Course#: TRAN8101)
Gen 3 LSX Bundle 1997 - 2004
BundleUltimate Gen 3 Bundle: C5 Corvette, Camaro, and Gen 3 GM Trucks. This bundle includes three (3) Elite Tuned School Courses: Gen 3 Basic, Gen 3 Advanced, & 4L60E/4L80E Transmissions. (Course#: BUN3103)
GM 6L80E/6L90E Transmission Course
Course4.3 average rating (3 reviews)Focuses on all aspects of the GM 6L80 and 6L90 transmissions. Cover important topics related to the settings and overall tuning of the transmissions to get proven real-world results without having to over-complicate things. (Course#: TRAN6101)
GM 4L60E/4L80E Transmission Course (1997-2005)
CourseGM 4L60E and 4L80E Automatic Transmissions (1997-2005): This course focuses in on all aspects of the GM 4-speed transmissions. (Course#: TRAN4101)
Ford 10R80 Transmisson Course
Course5.0 average rating (2 reviews)Ford 10R80 Automatic Transmission: This course focuses in on all aspects of tuning and adjusting the 10 speed Ford automatic transmission.
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